"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new"

pART 1
What is Self-Development?
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." ~ Carl Gustav Jung

Task 1

What will be your answer to the question "What is self-development?"?

Task 2
Read the text. Study underlined phrases and words.

Myrco Thum
"Yesterday I was at a birthday party of one of my best friends, who just turned 30. One of the guests asked me what I currently do, so I told him I'm building something in Personal Development …

… which earned me a blank stare from him! As the seconds ran by I could literally see him articulating the question: "What is Personal Development?"

So I was trying to find common ground by telling him Personal Development is a bit like Self-Help, but more proactive from my perspective. Just like Self-Improvement, which he had an understanding for. The fact that he obviously was lacking some real personal development of his own, got me into elaborating on the topic more and more, earning more and more interest from him…

A Definition of Personal Development

Personal Development is the conscious pursuit of personal growth by expanding self-awareness and knowledge and improving personal skills.

Those skills include my mind, my body, my spirit as well as my level of success in all areas of life, however I may define that. The ultimate goal of Personal Development for me is to be a self-realized human being. That means living consciously at my full potential and reaching real happiness in my life.

By progression I mean that there are essential steps to take when starting out with Personal Development. I believe that in the process of personal growth there are specific milestones to reach, and that without tackling these, personal growth is not really possible or at least not complete.

Maybe you are still not convinced that Personal Development is for you and you may still ask "Why?" The reason is simple:

Life is just better when we have done work on ourselves.

And that includes our mental, physical, emotional, social and financial life. I think it's fair to say:

Personal Development makes you happy.

You can't really argue with that goal…

Task 3
Summarize the text. Be sure to incorporate underlined phrases.

Read more if needed:

pART 2
How to Create a Personal Development Plan?
"Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don't have a plan!" – Larry Winget.
Task 4
Analyse the stages of writing a personal development plan:

Here are 9 steps that can help you to create a good personal development plan:
  1. Define your goals
  2. Prioritize
  3. Set a deadline
  4. Understand your strengths
  5. Recognize opportunities and threats
  6. Develop new skills
  7. Take action
  8. Get support
  9. Measure progress

Task 5
Go by the link, study each stage in detail and create your own plan using a template:
pART 3
Behavioural Competences
"The end of education is to see men made whole, both in competence and in conscience." John Dickey

Task 6
Read the definition of the term:

Behavioural competencies help define an individual's behavioural strengths that could predict future successes in the workplace. In other words they are observable skills and qualities required for effective performance in a job.
Behavioural competencies often fall into different categories based on different tenets of workplace success:

  • People-based behaviours: shows respect for others, interpersonal skills, understands others' viewpoints, accepts/provides constructive criticism
  • Success-based behaviours: makes positive decisions, takes responsibility for actions, communicates with colleagues, organises time effectively
  • Managerial-based behaviours: encourages staff to achieve their best, motivates rather than drains, tries to achieve a diverse workforce

Task 7
Go by the link, click "Behavioural competencies", read more, click other words and work with related vocabulary

Task 8
Make a list of behavioural competencies and put them into correct column:

People-based behaviour

Success-based behaviour

Managerial-based behaviour

Task 9

Go by the link, move the slider to practise the words and their derivatives:

Task 10
Which behavioural competencies does/will your present/future occupation involve? Create your own table of behavioural competences and answer the question.

Performance Appraisal Interview
Behavioural competencies are commonly discussed at the appraisal interviews. An appraisal interview is a formal discussion process between an employee and his/her manager. It is one of the best ways for an employee to increase productivity and change work habits. In appraisal interview, the employer and the employee discuss the performances of the individual and the key areas of improvement and how the employee can grow through a feedback mechanism.

Task 11

Read the extract from Guy Browning's article "Top tips for getting on in the workplace" (The Guardian), understand the author's stance, summarize in one sentence, do not lose the author's irony.

"Treat appraisals as auditions for pantomime.

An appraisal is where you have an exchange of opinion with your boss. It's called an exchange of opinions because you go in with your opinion and leave with their opinion. When you have had a bad year, the best approach is a balance between cringing apology and grovelling sycophancy, something like : "My respect for you is so intense that it sometimes distracted me, thereby causing the continuing string of major cock-ups that have been the main feature of my performance this year". Interestingly, giving appraisals is actually as hard as getting them. The secret is to mix criticism with recognition. For example: "You've made a number of mistakes, Martin, but we recognise you made them because you are a total idiot."

Task 12

Create your own tips for getting on at work.

Task 13

Watch "Funny performance appraisal" and say which behavioural competencies they discuss. Describe the 20-year old organisational approach to employees' performance appraisal.

pART 4
Setting Goals
"The greater danger for most of us isn't that our aim is too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." ~ Michelangelo

Task 14

Think how you will answer the questions:

Have you thought about what you want to be doing in five years' time?
Are you clear about what your main objective at work is at the moment?
Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today?

SMART goal setting
SMART is an acronym that you can use to guide your goal setting.

S - specific (simple, sensible, significant).
M - measurable (meaningful, motivating).
A - achievable (agreed, attainable).
R - relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
T - time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

Task 15

Go by the link, read the guidlines for SMART objectives , practise your own goal setting:

Part 5
Life experience of outstanding personalities
and their self-development

Living beyond limits
Amelia "Amy" Purdy (born November 7, 1979) is an American actress, model, world-class snowboarder and 2014 Paralympic bronze medalist, co-founder of Adaptive Action Sports, professional motivational speaker, clothing designer and author.. (wikipedia)
Task 16

Listen to Amy Purdy presentation.
Quote her five inspirational ideas.
Write out what she says to make people laugh.

"Do not get obsolete like an old technology, keep innovating yourself." Sukant Ratnakar, Open the Windows

Individual project "Self-Development"
Final task

Create your own project of self -development.
Include topics/models studied.
Present it to the group in PPT/POPPLET/Prezi or any other internet service.
Follow the presentation structure:

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